Welcome to the CSL Global Employee Share Plan internet site.

    Plan Enrolment

    If you wish to access information about the CSL Global Employee Share Plan, including offer materials, information booklets and rules of the Scheme, please click the link below that corresponds to the location in which you are working and residing.

    Plan Enquiry

    If you are an existing CSL Global Employee Share Plan participant and wish to view your current participation details, including contributions held and shares purchased on your behalf, please click the link below.

    CSL Global Employee Share Plan
    Plan Information

    Flag - Argentina Argentina Flag - Hungary Hungary
    Flag - Australia Australia Flag - Italy Italy
    Flag - Austria Austria Flag - Japan Japan
    Flag - Belgium Belgium Flag - Mexico Mexico
    Flag - Brazil Brazil Flag - Netherlands Netherlands
    Flag - Canada Canada Flag - New Zealand New Zealand
    Flag - China China Flag - Poland Poland
    Flag - Czech Rebublic Czech Republic Flag - Portugal Portugal
    Flag - Denmark Denmark Flag - Spain Spain
    Flag - France France Flag - Sweden Sweden
    Flag - Germany Germany Flag - Switzerland Switzerland
    Flag - Greece Greece Flag - UK United Kingdom
    Flag - Hong Kong Hong Kong Flag - USA United States
    Flag - Finland Finland Flag - Norway Norway

    Please note that you will need to know your employee payroll identification number to access Plan information. This number usually appears on your payroll slip.

    Please contact your local HR representative if you have difficulties locating this number.

    CSL Global Employee Share Plan
    Participants Internet site

    Please note that you will need your Securityholder Reference Number (SRN) - which is detailed on your Employee Holding Statement - as well as your PIN to enter this site.

    For new participants your SRN and PIN will be separately mailed to you shortly after the enrolment period closes, the SRN should be retained by you for future reference.

    Please contact the Plan Administrator at CSLSharePlans@computershare.com.au should you have any difficulties accessing this site.

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