What is the change to Investor Centre and Easy Update security?
To view a range of details related to your securityholding you can still validate your identity on Investor Centre and Easy Update using a combination of SRN or HIN and a postcode.
To perform any transaction or update on your securityholdings you will need to register, which simply means choosing a User ID and password. This helps protect your personal information, and is no different to creating a login on social network sites like Facebook™.
Why is it happening?
The confidentiality and security of your investor information is extremely important to Computershare. We regularly review how we interact with securityholders through our online services to deliver the most effective online security.
In consultation with our issuer clients we decided to implement a higher level of security for online transactions - that is, updates to bank details, payment instruction, TFN/ABN and securityholder communication options, including email address.
When was the security change implemented?
The new security model went live on Thursday February 3, 2011.
Does the change affect all companies on Investor Centre and Easy Update?
Yes, the security update will be applied to all companies accessed via Investor Centre and Easy Update.
What does it mean for me as a securityholder?
If you want to transact or update details relating to your securityholding, you will need to register, by choosing a User ID and password, and setup answers to three security questions. The security questions are simply used to validate you if you forget your password.
If you have previously registered on Investor Centre you will be presented with your User ID and asked to enter your password.
You can still enquire (view only) on your securityholding by entering your SRN/HIN and postcode, but you won’t be able to make any changes unless you register. Registration is simple and free.
What happens if I forget my password?
If you forget your password simply click on the “Forgotten password” link on the login box. You will be presented with the three security questions you set up when registering. Once these are successfully answered you will receive an email with a new password. Upon logging in you will be asked to choose a new password.
What happens if I forget my User ID?
If you forget your User ID you should click on the “Forgotten User ID” on the login box. You will be asked to enter an SRN/HIN and postcode details for one of your securityholdings. Upon validation you will be presented with your User ID on screen.
What happens if I fail to login multiple times?
As a security precaution, after 5 failed attempts your account will be locked.
To unlock your account please call an investor services representative on 1300 850 505.
What if I can’t locate my SRN/HIN?
The security reference number (SRN) can be found on securityholding statements and payment advices previously sent to your registered address.
If you don’t have your security reference number, you will need to call an investor services representative on 1300 850 505 for one to be reissued. Please note, a fee may be charged for a replacement as these cannot be supplied over the telephone due to strict privacy regulations.
What is the maximum number of securities allowed in a portfolio?
The maximum number of securityholdings allowed for registration is 96.
What are my options if I'm a custodian or financial advisor?
Computershare has a purpose built online facility for intermediaries that require access to client securityholdings. Please visit www.intermediaryonline.com for details of how to set up an account.
What is an activation code?
If the value of all your matched securities in your Investor Centre portfolio is high then we may send you an activation code before you can transact on your account. This simply means you will be sent a numerical code to the registered address of your securityholding. You will be required to enter this code into Investor Centre or Easy Update before you are able to transact or perform an update.
Note : You will still be able to view your securityholding details, while waiting for your activation code.
What happens if my account shows as already registered on Investor Centre?
It is most likely that at some point in the past:
We suggest that you contact your advisor to obtain the login details.
Alternately, we can delete the existing registration details (the Investor Centre account) if you call an investor services representative on 1300 850 505, which will allow you to re-register to securely access your securityholdings.
Performing this function does not change the securityholding. It simply removes access for other users to update your securityholding information.
Please note: Other users may still be able to view, but not update, your securityholding information if they have access to your SRN/HIN and postcode.
What’s the difference between being a registered user and a view only visitor?
Feature | Registered User - Portfolio | View only visitor |
View securityholding balances and values | Up to a maximum of 96 holdings | View single securityholding only |
View securityholding payment details, including reinvestment plans | Up to a maximum of 96 holdings | View single securityholding only |
View and download securityholding and dividend statements | Up to a maximum of 96 holdings | View and Download |
View dividends and other types of payments | Up to a maximum of 96 holdings | View single securityholding only |
View transaction histories | Up to a maximum of 96 holdings | View single securityholding only |
View securityholding communication preferences | Up to a maximum of 96 holdings | View single securityholding only |
View portfolio of securityholdings | Up to a maximum of 96 holdings | X |
Update details across multiple securityholdings | Up to a maximum of 96 holdings | X |
Update payment instructions | Up to a maximum of 96 holdings | X |
Update tax instructions | Up to a maximum of 96 holdings | X |
Update reinvestment intentions | Up to a maximum of 96 holdings | X |
Provide or update email address and securityholding communication preferences | Up to a maximum of 96 holdings, per company | X |
Proxy voting and confirmation. | InvestorVote (for eligible issuers) | Via separate login |